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Chris Macklin
Consultant General & Colorectal Surgeon

I have been a Consultant at Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust since 2006. I trained in Yorkshire and specialise in general, laparoscopic and colorectal surgery.
I have performed thousands of operations, including 100s of bowel resections, mostly for cancer, and 1000s of upper and lower GI endoscopies. I have a published mortality for bowel cancer resections that is lower than the National average and is the lowest in our trust.
I perform general surgery including hernias, abdominal and keyhole surgery including gallbladder removal and colorectal procedures including treatment of haemorrhoids, fissures and perianal abscesses and fistulas.

Private Practice

I work full time in the NHS and work in private practice through the Spire Elland and Methley Park Hospitals and the Spire Dewsbury clinic.

Spire Elland Hospital

Spire Elland

Clinic: Wednesday lunchtime
Theatre: Wednesday afternoon

Spire Methley Park

Spire Methley Park

Clinic: Monday morning
Theatre: Tuesday afternoon

Spire Dewsbury Clinic

Spire Dewsbury Clinic

Clinic: Monday morning

NHS Services

My elective surgical practice is at Dewsbury & District Hospital where I provide out patient clinics, fast track cancer clinics and perform colonoscopies and day case and in-patient operating lists.  I also provide emergency general and specialist colorectal services to Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust based at Pinderfields General Hospital.

One Health Group

One Health Group

One Health provide NHS treatment to patients via GP referrals made through NHS e-Referral (Choose & Book)
I see patients at Church Street Ossett and operate at Spire Elland

Dewsbury & District Hospital

Dewsbury & District Hospital

Out-patient clinics, fast track clinics, endoscopy, day case and in-patient operating lists.

Pinderfields Hospital

Pinderfields Hospital

Emergency surgery

Online Links



The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) is a group of 1000+ surgeons, nurses, and allied health professionals who advance the knowledge and treatment of bowel diseases in Britain and Ireland.



The My NHS website provides patients with information regarding their local services including hospitals,  GP surgeries, care homes. and dentists.  As part of this open access to appropriate data then surgical performance for colorectal resection mortality is presented


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BUPA Profile

BUPA Finder

BUPA finder website entry that provides information regarding Chris Macklin including Fee Assurance.

Contact Us

Use the form to send an enquiry to Chris Macklin's secretary regarding appointments or follow the links above to book appointments.

Social Media Connections